*Daily A Noble Thought - Nov 20*
Six temperaments (Greed, anger, miserliness, immoral sexual passion, vanity and vengeance) blossoming as sinful actions, just not only taints life and mind. They taint the physical body too.
Streamlining six temperaments to six good qualities, is the important part of introspection, second stage of SKY Yoga. Just rate how were you when indulging in six temperaments? Rate as well how have you improved after learning SKY Yoga now. Try further. Succeed in it.
Practice Introspection regularly. Can do once a week, on Sunday. Can do once a month, on full moon day. Can do whenever convenient to you. Allocate atleast one hour then. Meditate for half an hour. Analyse well in Thuriyam stage. Analyse the thoughts. Analyse six temperaments one by one. Find the deficiencies of you. Analyse the ways to clear it.
Take the strong auto-suggestions to clear the deficiencies. Mental strength obtained through meditation, Clarity obtained through introspection would help to you keep in awareness, protect by rescuing from the influence of six temperaments and sinful acts.
Analyse all the sinful acts committed in the past, one by one. If you can do any remedies for them now, plan to do it immediately. If you cannot do any remedial action now, seek forgiveness in mind, from the affected. Bless them wholeheartedly that they come out of the sufferings created by you and lead good life.
Don't hold the guilty consciousness in mind. Guilty consciousness would spoil our life. Can correct the correctable mistakes. There is no use in fusing (worrying) that 'alas, I have committed mistake!'. Do introspection. Be proficient in maneuvering six temperaments.
*- Vethathiri Maharishi*
Six temperaments (Greed, anger, miserliness, immoral sexual passion, vanity and vengeance) blossoming as sinful actions, just not only taints life and mind. They taint the physical body too.
Streamlining six temperaments to six good qualities, is the important part of introspection, second stage of SKY Yoga. Just rate how were you when indulging in six temperaments? Rate as well how have you improved after learning SKY Yoga now. Try further. Succeed in it.
Practice Introspection regularly. Can do once a week, on Sunday. Can do once a month, on full moon day. Can do whenever convenient to you. Allocate atleast one hour then. Meditate for half an hour. Analyse well in Thuriyam stage. Analyse the thoughts. Analyse six temperaments one by one. Find the deficiencies of you. Analyse the ways to clear it.
Take the strong auto-suggestions to clear the deficiencies. Mental strength obtained through meditation, Clarity obtained through introspection would help to you keep in awareness, protect by rescuing from the influence of six temperaments and sinful acts.
Analyse all the sinful acts committed in the past, one by one. If you can do any remedies for them now, plan to do it immediately. If you cannot do any remedial action now, seek forgiveness in mind, from the affected. Bless them wholeheartedly that they come out of the sufferings created by you and lead good life.
Don't hold the guilty consciousness in mind. Guilty consciousness would spoil our life. Can correct the correctable mistakes. There is no use in fusing (worrying) that 'alas, I have committed mistake!'. Do introspection. Be proficient in maneuvering six temperaments.
*- Vethathiri Maharishi*
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