In this vast Universe, mankind’s evolution birth, growth, action all are nature’s ultimate unique things. Mankind is nature’s ultimate speciality. Human mind is the repository having such special treasures of nation. For long, nature’s every wonder is compressed and stored in man’s genetic center.
By understanding universal magnetism and bio-magnetism, one can know all truths of life and all secrets of Universe. In sixth sense, two higher order skills of Acuity and Integrity, is present. Acuity prevails as Science and Integrity as Philosophy. Knowledge as magnetism develops both these skills.
Spiritual knowledge the foundation of human mind, can enrich fully. In this way, if one gets to know the Unified force, Life force, Magnetism which are required to be intuitively learnt, the scientific knowledge would grow in him, the divine properties the love & compassion would blossom; his life would be calm and pleasant.
- Vethathiri Maharishi
By understanding universal magnetism and bio-magnetism, one can know all truths of life and all secrets of Universe. In sixth sense, two higher order skills of Acuity and Integrity, is present. Acuity prevails as Science and Integrity as Philosophy. Knowledge as magnetism develops both these skills.
Spiritual knowledge the foundation of human mind, can enrich fully. In this way, if one gets to know the Unified force, Life force, Magnetism which are required to be intuitively learnt, the scientific knowledge would grow in him, the divine properties the love & compassion would blossom; his life would be calm and pleasant.
- Vethathiri Maharishi
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