Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi :
Generally diseases are caused by neglect or excessive indulgence beyond the capacity of the body or improper indulgence in food , work, sleep and sexual gratification.
Some diseases may arise by natural disasters ,climatic differences and by the assault of other living beings. Apart from these, certain diseases may also appear by hereditary imprints and by curse . Nature has ensured that all people are having immunity against diseases to a certain extent and this provides protection and brings about cure automatically. When, however, the intensity of disturbance causing the disease exceeds the strength of immunity, the disease gets aggravated and causes pain or even death .
Yogis, philosophers, realised persons and men of moral Consciousness develop a stronger immunity than ordinary people against diseases by increasing will-power, developing self awareness and conserving life-energy from unnecessary wastages. They also moralise their deeds so as not to cause disturbance in the physical structure.
However even for Yogis, there do exist hereditary imprints - that is imprints at the time of birth itself. Also before coming to the path of true realization or perfection, all men would have committed some wrong deeds without knowing the Law of Action and Result. Even though holy men have developed greater immunity against disease, when the strength of the cause for disease exceeds the strength of immunity developed, they also have to suffer from those diseases. Thus, it would be clear that the justice of nature never fails.
Whether one is a holy person or an ordinary individual he has to accept the due award or punishment under the Law of Nature. With this explanation in mind, please study the biographies of saints and holy men and you would see for yourself that the theory is valid.